Varshitha’s ELOG

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

Here is a case i have seen:

A 68 year old male was brought to the hospital by his attenders(son) with the complain of giddiness since 3 days,inability to use his right upper and lower limb since 2 days

HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS- Patient was apparently asymptotic 6 months back , then he developed  giddiness ,immediately after waking up from bed, he had such episodes ocassionaly for which one day they took him to rmp,where he was diagnosed with high blood pressure for which they gave the patient- Telma am tablets,even after using these,the symptoms did not subside and 5 days back on monday- when the patient had similar complain of giddiness,they took him to rmp again where the patient’s blood pressure was recorded as low bp(not known ) for which the rmp gave him tablets(not known) On tuesday after having breakfast the patient went to sleep and after two hours when he woke up he was unable to use his right upper and lower limb for which he was brought to the hospital on thursday(23/07/2020)

Past history

k/c/o htn- 6 months - for which he is using telme am tablets

Not a k/c/o asthma, epilepsy,jaundice

Personal history

He is a chronic smoker since (45 years)

Family history

Drug history - herbal medications for DM since 15 years, Htn since 6 months-telme am tablets



Patient is consious , coherent,cooperative 

 moderately built and nourished, 

Vitals- temp- afentile BP- 110/70 mmhg , PR - 60 bpm, with missed beats(approx 4) in a minute,normal volume and character

RR- 17cpm, 

CNS examination

Higher mental functions- patient is conscious, 

speech- in comprehensive speech- fluency not intact, bt patient is able to obey commands , 

Motor system- 

bulk- Rt UL.         




tone- hypotonia in all four limbs

power- RT UL.       





Triceps reflex        

Biceps reflex.        


knee reflex            

ankle reflex           

plantar reflex     

sensory system- intact ,   

cranial nerve examination- 3,4,5,6,8,11,12 intact

7the nerve- mouth deviated to left side and loss of nasolabial fold on right side,remaining cranial nerves could not be elicited


 Respiratory system- shape of the chest- normal,

position of the trachea- midline, B/l air entry present, no added sounds 

CVS- S1 S2 heard, no murmurs , jvp raised and no other visible pulsation , apex beat cannot be felt, no para sternal heave,palpable thrills

Per abdomen- shape- distended
no local rise of temperature and no tenderness
no palpable mass, visible perilstasis present,hernial orifices are free,no organomegaly, bowel sounds -heard perilstasis


Lipod profile
cholesterol- 124 mg/dl
ldl-70 mg/dl
vldl-22 mg/dl




chest x-ray-



Lumbar puncture was done on 29:07:2020

1) ACUTE LEFT MCA INFARCT.                       
2) HF (EF 45%) sec to NSTEMI/HTN/?COPD.           

          Tab. Eco sporin-75/20 mg PO OD

Tab. Clopitab 75mg PO OD                    

Inj. HAI S/C according to S/S before meals

syrup Potchlor 15ml/P/O B/D in 100 ml of water

Inj manitol 100ml/Iv/TID. 

Head end elevation

physiotherapy of RT UL and LL

Monitor BP,temp 4th hourly  pulse and spo2 hourly monitoring ,grbs charting 6th hourly


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